the file you wish to require lives. The list command is used to view the gems you have installed locally. The gemspec can either be created by hand or extracted from an existing gem The command expects a ‘gems’ directory under the path given to This guide will help you update your sources or configure Invoke the command with the given list of arguments. args may be an array or a string to be split on white space. Use the API to interact and find out more information about available gems. for gem installation. GEM_PATH allows multiple local repositories to be searched for expanded writes each selector and declaration on its own line. ", "The \"#{option}\" option has been deprecated and will be removed in future versions of Rubygems. dependencies file by walking up from the current directory. ~/.gem/gem-public_cert.pem and ~/.gem/gem-private_key.pem respectively. Handle the given list of arguments by parsing them and recording the results. Using the last argument as keyword parameters is deprecated, or 2. of them in your list. When defining a new command subclass, use add_option to add command-line switches. homepage, the author, the locations of different versions of the gem. The text “[options]” is automatically appended to the usage text. Override to display the usage for an individual gem command. Yet another ruby command line argument parser library. The rdoc command builds documentation for installed gems., -v, -​-version VERSION - Specify version of gem to query for use with -​-installed, -n, -​-name-matches REGEXP - Name of gem(s) to query on matches the provided REGEXP, -​-all - Generate RDoc/RI documentation for all installed gems, -​-[no-]rdoc - Generate RDoc HTML, -​-[no-]ri - Generate RI data, -​-[no-]overwrite - Overwrite installed documents, -v, -​-version VERSION - Specify version of gem to rdoc, -v, -​-version VERSION - Specify version of gem to search for use with -​-installed, -p, -​-port=PORT - port to listen on, -d, -​-dir=GEMDIR - directories from which to serve gems multiple directories may be provided, -​-[no-]daemon - run as a daemon, -b, -​-bind=HOST,HOST - addresses to bind, -l, -​-launch[=COMMAND] - launches a browser window COMMAND defaults to ‘start’ on Windows and ‘open’ on all other platforms, -​-host HOST - Push to another gemcutter-compatible host, -a, -​-add SOURCE_URI - Add source, -l, -​-list - List sources, -r, -​-remove SOURCE_URI - Remove source, -c, -​-clear-all - Remove all sources (clear the cache), -u, -​-update - Update source cache, (RubyGems 1.3.6 and earlier), (RubyGems 1.3.7 through 1.8.25), (RubyGems 2.0.1 and newer), -v, -​-version VERSION - Specify version of gem to examine, -​-platform PLATFORM - Specify the platform of gem to specification, -​-all - Output specifications for all versions of the gem, -​-ruby - Output ruby format, -​-yaml - Output YAML format, -​-marshal - Output Marshal format, -a, -​-[no-]all - Uninstall all matching versions, -I, -​-[no-]ignore-dependencies - Ignore dependency requirements while uninstalling, -D, -​-[no-]check-development - Check development dependencies while uninstalling (default: false), -x, -​-[no-]executables - Uninstall applicable executables without confirmation, -i, -​-install-dir DIR - Directory to uninstall gem from, -n, -​-bindir DIR - Directory to remove executables from. You can use the generated. The dependency commands lists which other gems a given gem depends on. version you did not expect or to look at the content of a file you are –ignore-dependencies option to skip this check. handlerwill be called with two values, the value of the argument and the options hash. Override to display a longer description of what this command does. The yank command permanently removes a gem you pushed to a server. Features. -​-[no-]abort-on-dependent - Prevent uninstalling gems that are depended on by other gems. Apart from providing the command line tool as one show-case application, the HexaPDF library can be used for all things PDFs (except for rendering). No documentation. -​-build-root DIR - Temporary installation root. Parser for command line arguments, keywords, options and environment variables. Get a single gem name from the command line. The owner command lets you add and remove owners of a gem on a push server (the default is The CLI is executed by calling the OpenStudio SDK executable from the command line with a set of command line arguments. The parsing of the command line is done in a loop (step 1) which will look at all the elements on the command line to guess whether it is a switch, a parameter, or an argument. ~/.gemrc). RubyGems can install a consistent set of gems across multiple environments Get all [gem, version] from the command line. is the Ruby community’s gem hosting service. It uses Ruby’s own classes, methods, and argument lists to provide an interface that is both simple to use from the command-line side and from the Ruby side. -​-development - Install additional development dependencies, -​-development-all - Install development dependencies for all gems (including dev deps themselves), -​-conservative - Don’t attempt to upgrade gems already meeting version requirement, -​-minimal-deps - Don’t upgrade any dependencies that already meet version requirements, -​-[no-]post-install-message - Print post install message, -g, -​-file [FILE] - Read from a gem dependencies API file and install the listed gems, -​-without GROUPS - Omit the named groups (comma separated) when installing from a gem dependencies file, -​-default - Add the gem’s full specification to specifications/default and extract only its bin, -​-explain - Rather than install the gems, indicate which would be installed, -​-[no-]lock - Create a lock file (when used with -g/-​-file), -​-[no-]suggestions - Suggest alternates when gems are not found, -v, -​-version VERSION - Specify version of gem to list for use with -​-installed, -d, -​-[no-]details - Display detailed information of gem(s), -s, -​-[no-]strict - fail if unable to satisfy a dependency. Check a gem repository for added or missing files. Marshal::MINOR_VERSION constants. requiring to see why it does not behave as you expect. The cache files for installed gems must exist to use the server as a source using gem install -g when a gem dependencies file (gem.deps.rb, Gemfile or use with other commands. Mark a command-line option as deprecated, and optionally specify a deprecation horizon. compact puts each CSS rule on its own single line. By default You probably -​-[no-]user-install - Cleanup in user’s home directory instead of GEM_HOME. Initializes a generic gem command named command.summary is a short description displayed in `gem help commands`.defaults are the default options. The Marshal version number comes from ruby’s Marshal::MAJOR_VERSION and For example, command line arguments are defined like this: For gem generate_index --directory /path/to/repo, expose /path/to/repo via In this case, you can specify the required command-line … A very good example to look at is Commands::ContentsCommand Do not use this when installing remote gems. The build command allows you to create a gem from a ruby gemspec. Find the location of a library file you can require. are left in … Handling command line arguments and options can be annoying and require effort, but not so with optparse-plus. execution of arbitrary code when used from directories outside your control. When defining a new command subclass, use #add_option to add command-line switches.. Unhandled arguments (gem names, files, etc.) RubyGems fetches gems from the sources you have configured (stored in your So your program will see one argument, "foo". Gem.post_installs hook. -v, -​-version VERSION - Specify version of gem to uninstall, -​-platform PLATFORM - Specify the platform of gem to uninstall. Let's start with an example of code that parses the command line. The lock command will generate a list of +gem+ statements that will lock down Restores installed gems to pristine condition from files located in the gem cache. It didn't go very well. Display to the user that a gem couldn't be found and reasons why. This can be overridden with the –no-wrappers option. The provided command-line interface is flexible and follows commond standards for command-line processing. -​-[no-]user-install - Install in user’s home directory instead of GEM_HOME. rubygems/command.rb; rubygems/command_manager.rb; rubygems/commands/help_command.rb Be careful of who you give push The push command uploads a gem to the push server (the default is Documentation and gem repository HTTP server. Isolate) is present. RubyGems has been configured to serve gems via the following URLs through The RubyGems environment can be controlled through command line arguments, To install gems from a running server, use gem install GEMNAME --source -​-[no-]format-executable - Assume executable names match Ruby’s prefix and suffix. When creating a new gem command, define #initialize, #execute, #arguments, #defaults_str, #description and #usage (as appropriate). How to start a development server. It is used to ensure compatibility. True if long begins with the characters from short. More advanced use of the command line is focused around finding useful (even surprising at times) options in the utilities, and fitting those to your needs and specific work flow. versions in the requirements list to ensure that the gems loaded will always RubyGems will check to see if gems can be installed from the source given -​-target=DIR - target directory for unpacking, -​-spec - unpack the gem specification, -v, -​-version VERSION - Specify version of gem to unpack, -​-system [VERSION] - Update the RubyGems system software, -​-platform PLATFORM - Specify the platform of gem to update, -​-[no-]prerelease - Allow prerelease versions of a gem as update targets, -a, -​-[no-]all - show all matching files, -g, -​-[no-]gems-first - search gems before non-gems, -v, -​-version VERSION - Specify version of gem to remove, -​-platform PLATFORM - Specify the platform of gem to remove, -​-host HOST - Yank from another gemcutter-compatible host (e.g. If you accidentally pushed passwords or other sensitive Display information about the RubyGems environment. other require statements. Generates the index files for a gem server directory. If a gem is installed elsewhere in GEM_PATH Defaults should be mirrored in defaults_str, unless there are none.. For example, ARGV[0] returns the first argument passed to the Ruby script. with gem spec: Gems can be saved to a specified filename with the output option: Manage RubyGems certificates and signing settings. If –no-extensions is provided pristine will not attempt to restore a gem To upgrade RubyGems or install it for the first time (if you need to use Ruby 1.9) visit the download page. with an extension. You can use the which command to help determine why you are requiring a The owner command lets you add and remove owners of a gem on a push Could be used to specify editor. $ ruby command_line_argv_check_length.rb one Too few arguments $ ruby command_line_argv_check_length.rb one two Working on ["one", "two"] Values received on the command line are strings In this snippet of code we first check if we got exactly 2 parameters and we do, we add them together: update the gems with the update or install commands. ; Flexible parsing that doesn't force any order for the parameters. Ruby 2.7 will warn for behaviors that will change in Ruby 3.0. You can help the Ruby community by adding new notes. protections of an SSL connection to gem downloads. Update installed gems to the latest version. Merge a set of command options with the set of default options (without modifying the default option hash). unpacked to examine their contents. Luckily, Ruby is smart enough to know that the argument "foo" is intended for your program, not for Ruby itself. the versions for the gem given in the command line. Manage gem owners of a gem on the push server. Show the dependencies of an installed gem. If the first argument of add_optionis a Symbol, it's used to group options in output. The signin command executes host sign in for a push server (the default is The signout command is used to sign out from all current sessions, allowing you to sign in using a different set of credentials. prefix or only the files that are requireable. Only for use by gem repackagers. The contents command lists the files in an installed gem. statically. On the command-line, any text following the name of the script is considered a command-line argument. The cleanup command removes old versions of gems from GEM_HOME that are not The specification can be output in YAML, ruby or Marshal formats. Host resolution matches the resolution strategy for the push command. For example: You can use i command instead of install. Note, however, that GetoptLong is a pure Ruby implementation. a gem for examination. When the RUBYGEMS_GEMDEPS environment variable is set to a gem dependencies Become a contributor and enhance the site with your own changes. When done, it will generate a set of files like this: The .rz extension files are compressed with the inflate algorithm. ; A convenient way to declare parsed parameters via DSL with a fallback to hash-like syntax. You can check for dependency mismatches using the dependency command and If you are packaging RubyGems all of RubyGems’ defaults are in This reference was automatically generated from RubyGems version 3.1.4. However if you’re developing a user interface with menus to navigate, things start getting more complicated. Specific fields in the specification can be extracted in YAML format: The stale command lists the latest access time for all the files in your The extra arguments come from the gem configuration file read at program startup. via the webhooks. As an example, the following command installs pry locally in the project. The call to Getopt on step 2 is where most of the work is done. See OptionParser#make_switch for an explanation of opts. Base class for all ::Gem commands. Only for use by gem repackagers. GEM_HOME environment variables. are regenerated after checking for modifications. Ruby script arguments are passed to the Ruby program by the shell, the program that accepts commands (such as bash) on the terminal. gems. The dependency list can be displayed in a format suitable for piping for specifications and will clean up gems that have been partially uninstalled. "The \"#{option}\" option has been deprecated and will be removed in Rubygems #{version_to_expire}. If you need to install a gem for use both during development and testing make sure the gem is available in both directories. Display remote gems whose name matches REGEXP. To speed up development, I use the optparse-plus gem. is recommended as it brings the Note that with the current implementation, every version of the option needs to be explicitly deprecated, so to deprecate an option defined as, you would need to explicitly add a call to `deprecate_option` for every version of the option you want to deprecate, like. Usually take multiple options or ‘ flags ’ of command options and content the. Will look at is commands::ContentsCommand luckily, Ruby is smart enough to that. Lists your currently configured sources: this may list multiple sources or configure yourself to use Ruby )... Summary ruby command line arguments gem a Symbol, it 's used to view the gems from a Ruby gemspec require,! 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